Tuesday, April 20, 2004


As we near the end of the school year, and most of the charter members of DDS prepare to move on to bigger and better things, I have been thinking about the future of DDS. Initially, I thought it should continue with new people. But the more I think about it, the more I think DDS is about a specific group of people, not an idea. If I continue to have lunch meetings with students to discuss ideas, I think it should have a different name.

That said, I see no reason why DDS should not only continue, but serve as the catalyst for something even larger and potentially more important. I propose for your consideration the idea that DDS serve as the basis for an Asheville Theatre Community "Socrates Cafe." What does that mean? Read on.

Christopher Phillips' book Socrates Cafe was the original source of the idea for DDS. It is a wonderful book that traces Phillips' decision to set up a series of discussion groups across the country to talk about ideas. (Check out his website: http://www.philosopher.org/ )

What if DDS created an Asheville Theatre version of Socrates Cafe? We find a bar or restaurant that is willing to host us, and invite theatre people to gather every so often to discuss an issue related to theatre as an art form. You know the routine -- basically the same thing we do at DDS. Except perhaps initially a bit more formal, with a specific topic chosen, or a reading distributed, or a summary made -- or maybe not (Phillips takes suggestions for topics at the meeting itself, and then the group decides, with Phillips' guidance, what seems most likely to lead to a dynamic discussion). The group would have no practical purpose -- there would be no fundraisers, no discussion of seasons, no sharing of marketing tips -- just discussion of theatre as an art form.

Perhaps such a gathering might make the Asheville theatre scene more dynamic, and more of a community. And perhaps we could serve as a model for other theatre communities.

What do you all think about this?


Sunday, April 18, 2004

I think Kate's last post encapsulates DDS: from Baudrillard to the Butthole Surfers, we cover the globe...


Monday, April 05, 2004

After much discussion, it was decided last week that there really wasn't time for us to put together a reading of the blog for this semester. We are all just too busy. There is, however, discussion of doing something at the beginning of next year. We'll see what happens.

The Frankenstein Project continues to progress. It looks like the running time will be 1:20, and I think we should be in good shape by the time we open. The key is going to be how effectively we integrate the sound and lights into the show. I am pleased with the way things have come together.
